
Italian police raid Barclays' Milan office

Police took away “numerous documents, computer information and emails” from the bank’s office, according to a statement from the authorities, who are investigating whether Barclays manipulated Euribor “just as it did with Libor&


Property fund investors seek compensation for damages

In a judicial letter the investors claimed they were forced to accept the bank’s compensation offer last year even though the financial services authority was still investigating BOV’s failures.


UK fraud agency dealt fresh blow in Tchenguiz case

Two top judges slammed Britain's fraud-busting agency on Tuesday for obtaining search warrants unlawfully during a controversial probe into property magnates Vincent and Robert Tchenguiz, dealing a fresh blow to embattled investigators.


FSA clampdown on packaged accounts

From the end of March, banks and building societies will be forced to check that customers are eligible for the insurance they sell as part of packaged current accounts that carry a monthly fee.