
Miliband ducks questions over his own wealth

Ed Miliband found it easy enough to criticise David Cameron’s “millionaire” status, but when questioned about his own personal wealth, the Labour leader struggled to find an answer.


UBS trader was interviewed as suspect

A close colleague of accused UBS “rogue trader” Kweku Adoboli was interviewed by police as a suspect, a London court heard on Wednesday.


FATCA: Model Intergovernmental Agreement Released

This is a key step towards delivering on the commitment made by the same countries in their joint statement published in February 2012 that first heralded this intergovernmental approach.


FSA lifts estimate of mis-sold swaps

More than 40,000 interest rate swaps could have been mis-sold to small businesses by their lenders, according to a revised estimate of the potential scale of the scandal by the Financial Services Authority.