
MPs seek British version of U.S. tax disclosure rules

The proposed legislation takes as inspiration the new U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), which is designed to stop Americans from hiding money from the taxman offshore, the report says.


German cabinet pushes ahead with Basel III bank rules

Germany's cabinet agreed on Wednesday to push ahead quickly with the introduction of stricter capital requirements for banks under international Basel III rules, despite the misgivings of German banks about how they will be implemented across Europe


RBS under investigation by US authorities

The bank also said that it had initiated discussions with UK and US authorities to discuss its historical compliance with the relevant regulations and laws, “including US economic sanctions”


Ledingham Chalmers boosts private client with bolt-on

The bolt-on followed a year in which Ledingham Chalmers’ private client practice grew by 10 per cent. The firm hired Adam Cochran partner Douglas Watson as a partner in April 2011 to boost this practice area.


Monti Negates Rumours Of Italian Income Tax Cut

From the moment that his government had been appointed with parliamentary support, Monti added, it had pursued structural reforms in the economy and the public sector with that singular aim.


FSCS places Cru IFAs in default

Hertfordshire-based Conforto Financial Management was also on the list of 21 investment firms recently placed in default by the scheme. It was wound up in November 2010 following the £1.5 million purchase of Optimal Wealth Management.


Acrimony dents chances of Swiss-German tax deal

The chances of any swift Swiss-German deal to counter tax evasion looked slim on Sunday after politicians traded criticism over efforts to limit the traditional secrecy of Swiss banks.


Tax-soaked French bankers feeling London's lure

French financial groups big and small, from advisory firms and private equity houses to big banks like Societe Generale, are looking at London as a possible shelter from a new 75 percent tax rate on top French earners, bankers say.


Platforms reject claims over two year RDR ‘grace period’

The Tax Incentivised Savings Association (Tisa) last week said some of its members had raised concerns about how long it will take them to update their systems so they can facilitate RDR-style rebates from funds. After the RDR, these rebates will consist