
FSA: financial services should not bear MAS costs

'The sequence of events, the increase of the levy from £20 million to £45 million, originated form the Thoresen Review, that we needed generic financial advice, and then a set of decisions from government that showed it did not want to pa


UBS, Kuwaiti royal square off behind closed doors

UBS has confirmed that Sheikh Meshal was invited to apply for a non-executive post at the bank. However, the bank has also claimed that it already had a strong relationship with Zain, having advised on many of its previous deals.


FSA refuses to reveal the identity of Mr X

Mr X, as the person has been referred to by tribunal, denied he owned an account with the UK-based UBS Wealth Management, called Customer A account, used by some UBS officials to make large-scale unauthorised transactions.


FSA reveals its latest executive pay and bonuses

The FSA has published its annual report for 2011/12, which sets out how the regulator has performed against its business plan for the year. It also sets out salary and benefits paid to FSA senior management.


Maples to create 75 new Dublin jobs

This is as a result of growing demand for both its international legal services and the fiduciary and fund administration services provided by its affiliate, MaplesFS, it said.


Liechtenstein Landesbank to Turn Over Client Names

Liechtenstein, a country known for its banking secrecy laws, recently agreed to allow its second largest bank, Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG, to turn over U.S. client data to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).


Vince Cable: RBS report recommends prosecution

The Sunday Telegraph understands that a detailed legal report prepared for Mr Cable found that there is “prosecutable evidence” which can be used to bring about the disqualifications.


SNR Denton exodus continues with SH and KBH Kaanuun benefiting

The firm has picked up two more litigators following the recent hire of Andrew Myers from SNR Denton (11 June 2012), with contentious restructuring partner Elizabeth Elliott joining from the same firm and construction litigation partner Ron Nobbs moving f


HMRC Target Buy to Let Landlords

The taskforces were launched as a result of the government’s £917 million spending review investment to tackle tax invasion, avoidance and fraud in 2011.


France Plans Tax Changes to Raise 10 Billion Euros, Echos Says

Changes to the law will include higher inheritance taxes, an end to exemptions for payroll taxes on overtime the reestablishment of the wealth tax schedule and measures to reduce tax loopholes used by large companies, the newspaper said, without saying wh


CI law firm facilitates estate planning debate in Singapore

"We are well established in the Channel Islands and have been named the fastest growing offshore law firm - but as we are new to Singapore it has been mutually beneficial to facilitate debate and discussion around regional issues with industry leader