
Leveraging Centralised Cloud MiFID II Advisory

One way that this regulatory gap may be breached is to implement a digital advisory platform that is ESG and MiFID 2 compliant, underpinned by a goal-based investment planning and advice execution workflow. This will enable institutions to adopt a consist


EIU launches Financial Risk

Financial Risk enables financial institutions, governments and corporations to identify sovereign, currency and banking sector risks posed by political and economic developments across 131 markets.


Financial Regulation: Daily Update

The response sets out HM Government’s (HMG) final policy approach to amending the regulatory framework, which will ensure that the FSCS can operate most effectively for the consumers of pre-paid funeral plan contracts if a regulated funeral plan pro


Bird & Bird advises Flex

The transaction is one of the largest bond offerings by value, both within the framework of the BFGS and beyond, in Hungary.


PASA publishes pre-employment guidance to deter fraudsters

The document details that administrators should start by analysing the level of risk associated with a particular position, with the industry body alerting that the level of seniority should not be the only factor considered.


Banks to find out if more workers must move to EU

It is understood the central bank has finished its assessments and is preparing to give its feedback to banks privately in the coming weeks — in some cases, before the end of the month.