
Financial Regulation Update

The letter sets out the FCA's expectations of insurers and insurance intermediaries as part of the wider industry, including with regard to consideration of leaseholders.


Financial Regulation: Daily Update

In particular, the FCA plans to broaden its engagement with solo regulated firms to support them in engaging with the transformation programme.


Financial Regulation: Daily Update

The statement requires position holders to report NSPs between 0.1% and 0.2% on the day of application of the 0.1% reporting threshold, even where they were entered into ahead of that date.


Transforming data collection

To address these issues, we have developed a joint transformation programme with the Bank of England.


FCA’s approach to compromises for regulated firms

The proposed guidance is aimed at firms solely regulated by the FCA including those that are part of a dual regulated group, and firms that are dual regulated by the FCA and PRA from the perspective of conduct regulation.